Crime Rate: Joe Goldberg

Just so there's not any confusion, Joe Goldberg is not real. He is a fictional character from the Netflix series You, a series that I have fallen into lately and have been binge watching (very much to the detriment of my sleep schedule). 

Victimology: 5/20

The only consistent thing about Goldberg's victimology is the fact that they are conventionally attractive women. He is supportive of the LGBTQ community but it's not personally his thing. Good for him. Now, there is nothing particularly distinguishable among his victims, so I can't give him a high score here because he's just so all over the place. But this isn't where he excels.


Modus Operandi: 20/20

This is his best quality. All of his victims he stalks. Extensively. I mean seriously, it is extreme. He stalks them on social media. In person. He breaks into their houses. Steals their underwear. Gross. But like, you have to admire the dedication. I love how obsessive he is. He gets a perfect rating here


Motive: 15/20

His obsessiveness and stalkerness are a result of his childhood. Not surprising. His mother went through throngs and throngs of abusive partners. It culminated in him shooting one of the partners while they were attacking his mom. He was then sent to a group home. His motivations for being obsessive and way too caring (to the point where it's really bad) make sense. Sure there are cooler motives but this one is definitely solid.

Justice: 20/20

This dude has evaded so many close run-ins with the law and getting arrested. It's amazing how he manages to avoid justice every single time he gets in a pickle (plot armor ig). Damn perfect score. Excellent.


X-factor: 8/20

This is a little bit of an odd X-factor. Joe has this glass box. It started out in the basement of his bookshop, where old/rare books were stored. However, through seasons 1 and 2, it becomes a prison where he locks people up inside. Look at it!! So cool!!!


Total: 68/100

It's a great show. You should watch it. Wes out.
